April Client of the Month

 Name: Pat Hile

Age: 59

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 7 months

What is your favorite food? California Rolls

What is your favorite exercise? Biking

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? After volunteering at the YMCA's Tom Hoskins Sprint Triathlon for several years, my dream was to compete in a Triathlon but I had no idea of how to start. I didn't know how to swim or bike. I heard of the Still Hopes Tri Team and after meeting Stefanie Cain, I never looked back. I accomplished this goal through working with Stefanie and by cross training at Bodyshop X. Since I started working out at Bodyshop X, I can see a big improvement in my strength, endurance and performance. I am able to do things I never thought would be possible!

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health?

 Working out helps me deal with the everyday stresses that we all face. Rather than going home and sitting on the couch, working out makes me feel good no matter how bad my day may have been. I feel better and healthier now than I did ten years ago and know that it's from making the decision to be active and make better lifestyle choices.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?  

 Everyone at Bodyshop X is so friendly and encouraging!! The atmosphere is incredibly positive and it puts a smile on my face every time I walk in the door. One of my most memorable moments was when I completed my first session of the Time to Lose program. I was so happy at my results and Jason was giving me a high five at what we'd accomplished. I say "we" because it was a group effort that made me successful. Jenna guided me, Stefanie encouraged me, and Jason and Matt were the cheerleaders. I just listened and did what they told me to do.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend?

 I always tell my friends about Bodyshop X and encourage them to join me there. Everyone there is working hard but there is NO whining. Everybody looks happy to be there and the atmosphere is so upbeat that you just have to smile (even when you're getting your butt kicked). I have been so impressed with how supportive everyone is. I felt comfortable the moment I walked in the door, losing the self-conscientiousness I always had when working out around other people.In the last seven months I have done things that I never thought possible and my confidence has grown tremendously.

Is there anything you would like to mention?

 I really appreciate how friendly and kind everyone has been. I have been a member of other gyms and always felt uncomfortable there. I would work out for a few weeks and then never go back. The difference with Bodyshop X has been that I've always felt welcome and that has made a huge difference for me.