Jessica and Grayson Major

August Clients of the Month


Birth Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1981
How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? I started with attending Saturday bootcamps for about a year and then in February 2016 started full time!
What is your favorite food? Salad with Grilled Chicken (weird, I know)
What is your favorite exercise? Thats a hard one....Squats or dead lifts
Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them?  Yes. I was an avid runner for many years, but didn't feel that I was doing enough weight training. I wanted to become stronger and have more defined muscles. I did weights, but didn't really push myself. I feel that I have accomplished my goals by reaching many PR's within the past couple of months. I am still working on these goals in many areas, but have enjoyed watching myself accomplish things I did not think were possible (pull-ups).
Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? In the beginning, working out was important to me to lose weight. I reached that goal, but working out became a part of my daily routine. I feel much stronger and healthier and could not imagine not having my daily workout a part of my routine. If I don't workout at the start of my day I can definitely tell a difference.
What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?
I can't say that there is one specific memorable moment because I have many. What I can say is that I have enjoyed developing a relationship with people I never would have known had I not worked out with them at the Bodyshop. I enjoy having a group of people to push me and encourage me to workout. My 5 am crew has helped me to continue to get up in the wee hours of the morning to workout before I go into work. It is also a plus to end each workout with a prayer. It is such a great and refreshing way to start my day. I have my mornings where I may come in to work out in a bad mood, but I leave in an improved state of mind ready to get going for the day.
How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend?    
Working out at the Bodyshop has been a great experience for me. There are many things that I didn't think I could do, but Jason has pushed me to accomplish many of these things. Everyone there has had confidence in my strength even when I don't always. Now, I can say that I realize I am strong and able to get even stronger through my workouts. Everyday is a different challenge for me and that is why I love it so much.


Birth Date: August 25, 2004

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 2.5 years

What is your favorite food? Crab legs or lobster.

What is your favorite exercise?Anything that has to do with soccer and improving my skills on the field

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? I had goals to become a better soccer player. Jason has helped me to become stronger in order to be able to kick the ball better, move the ball better, and be faster on the field. I have learned a lot of cool footwork which has helped me to trick my defenders on the field.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? Working out has been important to me so that I can stay healthy and have better endurance on the soccer field. I love to play soccer and want to continue to become a better player. This makes me want to continue to go to my private lessons with Jason and to work out at his speed and agility camps.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?That one time I megged Jason....and Matt.....and that 16 year old kid at one of Jason's field sessions......
Or the fact that I like to think I meg everyone at the Bodyshop at each private session.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend?I get to work on my soccer skills and become a stronger athlete at the Bodyshop. Jason has helped me become a more confident player on the field because he has taught me how to do many things I did not know how to before working out with him. I can tell a huge difference in myself after working out at the Bodyshop.

Brooke Hire Wilson

                           July Client of the Month


Birth Date: Thursday, May 3, 1979

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 1 and a half ish

What is your favorite food? Food

What is your favorite exercise? Weights

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? I was always so set on the scale or the clothes and working at Bodyshopx I now am seeing a whole healthy person, no high BP meds any more and the confidence to lift weights. My family has been introduced to the many choices to fit and healthy life rather than trying to fit into someone elses mold.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? Staying motivated ..... the most difficult part. I saved a few 200+lbs pictures look back on them and remember when life was not so possible. My children say wow I don't remember you like that. It sounds silly but I like to be able to cross my legs and reach my toes.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?Every day warm ups and cool downs the circle and the fellowship .......oh then there was that time when i was pregnant and PR my deadlift :) oh and when one of the many helpful trainers videoed me doing decline push-ups because I swore I could never do them off my knees.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend?The most welcoming, helpful, friendly and positive environments full of some of the best challenges!

Is there anything you would like to mention? Thank you to the dedicated people at Bodyshopx. People skip the gym because its the exact opposite of this gym. You all pour everything you have into making this more than just a place to throw some weights in the air.


Zack Taylor

Client of the month - Z. Taylor .jpg

May Client of the Month

Name: Zack Taylor

Birth Date: March 15, 1972

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 3 years

What is your favorite food? Hummus

What is your favorite exercise? Burpee with Push Up

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? Goal: Squat 300lbs
Accomplished by: Training with Matt Lord. Focus on form & technique. Methodical workouts and incremental gains to achieve my goal.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? It is important to me to stay fit for my wife and kiddos. Motivation is to be the best husband, father and boss and I don't believe that can be consistently achieved without good health. The Bodyshop X provides the accountability and focus that i need to stay fit.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? Experience has been rewarding. I wish I had started these types of workouts when I was in my 20's.



Pat Hile

                         April Client of the Month

 Name: Pat Hile

Age: 59

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 7 months

What is your favorite food? California Rolls

What is your favorite exercise? Biking

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? After volunteering at the YMCA's Tom Hoskins Sprint Triathlon for several years, my dream was to compete in a Triathlon but I had no idea of how to start. I didn't know how to swim or bike. I heard of the Still Hopes Tri Team and after meeting Stefanie Cain, I never looked back. I accomplished this goal through working with Stefanie and by cross training at Bodyshop X. Since I started working out at Bodyshop X, I can see a big improvement in my strength, endurance and performance. I am able to do things I never thought would be possible!

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health?

 Working out helps me deal with the everyday stresses that we all face. Rather than going home and sitting on the couch, working out makes me feel good no matter how bad my day may have been. I feel better and healthier now than I did ten years ago and know that it's from making the decision to be active and make better lifestyle choices.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?  

 Everyone at Bodyshop X is so friendly and encouraging!! The atmosphere is incredibly positive and it puts a smile on my face every time I walk in the door. One of my most memorable moments was when I completed my first session of the Time to Lose program. I was so happy at my results and Jason was giving me a high five at what we'd accomplished. I say "we" because it was a group effort that made me successful. Jenna guided me, Stefanie encouraged me, and Jason and Matt were the cheerleaders. I just listened and did what they told me to do.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend?

 I always tell my friends about Bodyshop X and encourage them to join me there. Everyone there is working hard but there is NO whining. Everybody looks happy to be there and the atmosphere is so upbeat that you just have to smile (even when you're getting your butt kicked). I have been so impressed with how supportive everyone is. I felt comfortable the moment I walked in the door, losing the self-conscientiousness I always had when working out around other people.In the last seven months I have done things that I never thought possible and my confidence has grown tremendously.

Is there anything you would like to mention?

 I really appreciate how friendly and kind everyone has been. I have been a member of other gyms and always felt uncomfortable there. I would work out for a few weeks and then never go back. The difference with Bodyshop X has been that I've always felt welcome and that has made a huge difference for me.

Ronda and Paul Thompson


Age: Ronda:50   Paul:52

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? Ronda: Forever!!! approx 9 years! Paul: 5 years plus

What is your favorite food? Ronda: Chicken and sweet potatoes; Paul: Tres Amigos

What is your favorite exercise? Ronda: Burpees of course!!!! Paul: Deadlift

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? Ronda: My goals are to be as healthy as possible as I am getting older and having a trainer who helps me stay motivated to workout. It helps to have someone that helps to hold you accountable. I know that I need to workout on a regular basis; however, if it was left up to me, I know I could make excuses the majority of the time not to work out as frequently as I should. It helps when you have someone who is knowledgeable and you can discuss exercise options, eating habits or changes you can make to your diet which allow for healthier choices. Paul: I only had a goal to feel better and be able to be active longer. I now have a goal of Dead Lifting 400 lbs and I am now at 300 lbs.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? RondaI think working out has allowed me to have more energy and be able to stay as active as I can. At Bodyshop X, you are surrounded by people who help motivate you to reach your goals by helping you organize a plan on how you can achieve where you want to be whether it be weight, eating habits and/or exercise challenges which allow you to make a true and easy lifestyle change. People often have the misconception that a lifestyle change is a bad thing. For me, making a true lifestyle change has lead to me feeling better about myself, being healthier and also having the ability to make better choices of how I can fuel my body to get a better result. PaulI keep working out because I truly believe the less you do the less you will be able to do

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X?  Ronda - I think the most memorable time for me would be when we did a dental office challenge. Multiple dental offices in the area created teams which were challenged to workout "against" each other while doing your best as a group to eat healthy and exercise. The groups were weighed and measured for body fat at the beginning and end of the challenge. Jason came to the office that won and cooked a healthy meal for the winning team!!! PaulDead Lifting 300 lbs.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? Ronda: We can definitely say that Bodyshop Athletics X has become like a second family to us. We look forward to working out with lots of the same people each week as we all strive towards similar health goals. PaulThe work outs are tough, you may want to quit, but be consistent and it will pay off in the short run and the long run.

Is there anything you would like to mention? Ronda: Bodyshop X provides other services such as massage, nutrition counseling, mother/child workout, barbell club, summer camps for teen athletic groups, challenges for work groups along with a variety of other options for individual or group health. Paul: The staff at Bodyshop X is the best. They are tough when they need to be. They pay attention to each client and notice when an exercise is too difficult or causing an issue and quickly recommend an alternative. The instructors strive to engage each client and make us feel as though we are part of a team. This team effort makes me want to work out harder and be more consistent on those days when I would rather just go home after working all day.